Learning a second language is a lengthy process that requires dedication and practice. However, after investing time in learning a new language, learners often times feel they get "stuck in a rut". When this happens, they feel they are making little or no progress with their learning, even if they are already speaking at an advanced level. We explain why this happens and why a B2 level is a good professional level for learners or speakers of multiple languages.
The learning plateau is a phrase used very regularly by professionals in educational psychology. It refers to a time when the learner, regardless of their best efforts, seems to "stop" making visible progress. Much like when you start climbing a mountain. You'll see rapid progress in the beginning stages of your climb. However, the mountain will begin to feel steeper, more complex, and the speed with which you ascend will reach a plateau.
The same is true of learning a language. In the early stages of language learning, the curve will be steep, but as we progress, the linguistic content to learn becomes more complex, thus the time required to access a higher level increases significantly.
However, the learner will continue to make progress even after reaching a plateau.
A common time to experience the plateau is around the B2 level. It must be emphasized that a B2 level is a very good level. At this level, a learner or a speaker of a language is considered to be an "independent user". In other words, they are able to handle communication in some of the most common situations. This includes understanding the content of a technical conversation and participate with a good degree of spontaneity and comfortability.
An overwhelming majority in fact never make it this far. Among French people who have learned a foreign language, only 14% ever reach this level. With a B2 certificate or if a company verifying candidate language skills receives B2 levels, it should not be seen or interpreted as a red flag.
Obtaining a level C1 is when you can speak with remarkable ease like natives speakers. This is considered the holy grail of all language learners, however, it could take more than a year of painstaking work before you get level C1. And with a B2 level, you will already be comfortable in 90% of everyday situations or in the field of your specialization.
So, if you're concerned about a B2 level, whether you're a learner or a company
verifying language proficiency, keep in mind that this is a highly regarded level where a speaker can be understood by, and understand, any native speaker.
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