With the dedication of a talented team and language examiners over the years, the support of partners, clients and collaborators, Pipplet celebrates its 6th anniversary as a company! Co-founders of Pipplet, Baptiste and Matthieu share their comments during an interview, reflecting on the beginning of their journey and what they think they can change in the future of the language assessment market.
This month you celebrate Pipplet’s 6th Anniversary. What thoughts come to mind when you think about that?
Baptiste: My first thought, what a journey! I still remember our first discussion [Baptiste, Matthieu and Adrien] on the very idea of creating a business. So much has happened since then and I'm having a hard time replaying it (in a good way).
Matthieu: I get the strange impression that time flies, and when I look back over the last six years, I feel like a century has passed. So many things have happened and so much has changed since the early days of Pipplet to this day.
Matthieu, can you share with us what your biggest “lesson learned“ in these 6 years has been?
Matthieu: I think my greatest lesson learned would probably be "Don't make too many assumptions without analyzing them first." This was probably the one lesson we learned the hard way when we started as entrepreneurs. We had a particular vision and tried to implement some things too quickly without carefully examining whether they worked at every step of the way.
And, how would you say your job changed over the years?
Matthieu: It has evolved from me doing virtually everything, down to the finest details, to now passing on to others what I have learned and shifting my focus towards defining measurable goals and objectives.
Looking back, Baptiste, share with us the changes you have seen happening in the field over these years?
Baptiste: When we started Pipplet, the test industry was not digitized and the training industry was just beginning to be. Today, non-digital training centers no longer exist, and the testing sector has undergone a major transformation.
What industry trends do you foresee for the upcoming 5-10 years?
Baptiste: Of course Artifical Intelligence will play a major role in what we and other companies do. But I don't know which.
What's one thing you want to make sure happens at Pipplet over the next year?
Baptiste: I simply want to maintain the spirit of what Pipplet was since the beginning. Despite the growth of the team and the acquisition by ETS, I would like to maintain the spirit of initiative, testing, and learning. I'd hate for Pipplet to become a company where you have to wait several weeks for a decision that interferes with others.
Lastly, Matthieu, what excites you most about your job and what you do?
Matthieu: I see what we are doing as an opportunity to continue to drive change in the area of language assessment and, in general, skills assessment. We look forward to continuing to implement the latest technologies we know will provide the best possible experience for our customers and users.
A special thank you to our community!
Clients, supporters, partners, examiners, and team
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