École des Langues Grand Calais is a training school that offers language courses for personal or professional development in English, Dutch, and Mandarin for all ages, all levels and all objectives. Their take on playful and innovative methods for their courses makes their school standout. They focus on oral development when working with small groups, and it's one of their most preferred teaching methods. Their mission is to make sure their clients have the freedom to explore a chosen language without fear of judgment and without the pressure of success.
President of École des Langues Grand Calais, Philippe Mignonet, answered a few questions about the importance of language assessment testing and why they chose Pipplet.
Why were you initially interested in Pipplet?
We were looking for a test that would be different from the usual MCQs. Poor grammar skills does not translate to poor language skills. With the Pipplet test, the difference is there - oral communication skills are is really taken into account.
Why are foreign languages important in your activity?
Foreign languages are at the heart of our profession since we train people to learn them.
After a few months of use, what is the conclusion?
The people who took this test were delighted, even if at first it seemed complicated. We also use it to validate the level of our trainers, and we are completely satisfied with it.
If you were to recommend Pipplet to your contacts, what would you say?
I would recommend it because the Pipplet team is constantly looking for ways to improve their testing by focusing on customer satisfaction. But above all the test is reliable, easy to use, and fast.
Is there anything else you would like to say about Pipplet?
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