Recruiting in today's hyper-competitive talent market can be a daunting task, especially for those in high-volume recruitment. With the need to fill roles in a narrow timeframe, recruiters find themselves in a constant battle between speed and quality. On one hand, there's a need to fill roles as quickly as possible, while on the other hand, recruiters also need to ensure that the candidates are the best fit for the job.
To add to the complexity, recruiters must navigate the world of technology and
automation tools, which can leave some recruiters feeling uneasy. The concern is that the use of advanced tools may take away the human touch from the recruitment process, leading to a less personalized experience for candidates.
But here's the thing: recruitment technology and automation tools can actually enhance the human touch, freeing up time and resources to focus on evaluating candidates holistically.
In fact, a recent survey found that 86% of recruiters believe that recruitment technology has positively impacted their hiring process, while 83% of candidates are comfortable with the use of recruitment technology during the hiring process.
We pulled some practical advice from our recent webinar with recruitment experts.
Wipro Romania’s senior team leader, Laura Covaci, suggests that recruiters “approach quantity and quality separately and recognize the importance of both strategies.”
Covaci adds, “Data-driven recruiting, online assessments, and streamlined recruitment processes are the best ways to address the ‘quantity’ part, and it's understandable that people may be concerned that by doing that, we might be losing the human aspect of the recruitment process when using automated tools.
“But the reality is that using such advanced recruitment techniques and all their benefits is actually helping us to free up time and resources to focus on evaluating candidates holistically, not only experience and skills, which an automated tool might be very helpful and in handy but also their potential for growth, fit for the company's culture, values, and long-term goals.”
For 5CA’s assessment lead Elzette Strasheim, it’s important to delineate which roles speed and efficiency are of the essence.
For high-volume roles, such as multilingual candidates for customer service positions, Strasheim recommends “automating the process as much as possible at the beginning of the recruitment process.”
“Within the context of 5CA, especially for our high-volume roles, the need for saving time and implementing automation is bigger at the beginning of the process to try and get all the ticks off the bucket list so that you can really start spending time with the candidate.
“Spanish and Portuguese-speaking roles are some of the roles where we get a lot of applications, and for these roles, we already automate a lot of the decisions using our
applicant tracking system. We also integrate our assessments with the ATS so that that part is taken care of almost by itself and, therefore, enable our recruiters to have time to really spend time in the interview getting to know the candidates, knowing that the rest of the checks are already done, and to try and also within that process really qualitatively and quantitatively determining whether this candidate is fit for the role.”
This balancing act with speed and quality is definitely no easy feat, especially when it comes to high-volume recruitment. Ultimately the secret lies in a tailored approach that combines automation and technology, especially at the beginning of hiring process, while maintaining the human touch where it matters, like in the interview and the final hiring decision.
By utilizing
recruitment technology and tailoring their approach to the specific needs of each role, recruiters can increase their hiring efficiency and empower their organization with quality talent.
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