Sandra Franco
Marketing Director
Linguaphone is a certified language training organization, OPQF and Referenced Datadock, offering CPF training and certifications. They teach over 10 languages to business employees, job seekers, and at schools. They offer in person, digital, language stays, express workshops and mixed learning courses. Their training is flexible and adapted to promote skills development in situations of professional communication.
Pipplet FLEX offers CPF certification and all tests are based on the CEFR criteria which serves as a guide for achieving consistent results each time. Linguaphone noticed the recognition that Pipplet received and thought to try it themselves. Here's what Sandra Franco, the Director of Marketing at Linguaphone, says about her time working with Pipplet and the responsiveness of their learners.
Why are foreign languages important in your business?
At Linguaphone, foreign languages are our main activity, they are at the heart of our business. Languages are the inspiration behind our motto that it is about improving the language skills of all our students.
Why were you interested in Pipplet initially?
We received many requests for training of individuals within the framework of the CPF and wanted to be able to certify their level at the end of the course in many languages (including rare languages.). We wanted a flexible, qualitative and efficient solution in order to address this issue. Especially without the limitation of having to make an appointment or interact face to face. Pipplet seemed perfect for our needs.
After a few months of use, what is the conclusion?
After being able to use Pipplet for a few months, we are very pleased with the organization and ease of use of the platform. Pipplet has become a high-quality partner that has raised the satisfaction of our students and teams.
Do you have something else you would like to say about Pipplet?
Just thanks to the Pipplet team for their responsiveness and availability.
Click to learn more about how you can join our list of certified training centers like Linguaphone
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