Dear Pipplet clients and partners,
We have great news to share today!
Pipplet was acquired a few weeks ago by ETS Global BV, a subsidiary of the U.S. group ETS, creator of the TOEIC and TOEFL tests.
This is a big step and the recognition of 4 years of tremendous work within Pipplet.
The last few months have been special, and they have truly proven the value of our online approach. At a time when recruitment and training are done remotely, we are happy that our tests have been proven to be reliable and enjoyable by many companies. We will continue to build on this momentum.
The support of ETS Global BV will allow us to strengthen our position as a referenced language test in the recruitment field, enabling our products to reach a global audience. Additionally, we will have the means to develop our products to make them more user-friendly, thanks to the ETS Group's R&D teams.
As they say, "you don't change a winning team". Following this evolution in Pipplet's shareholding, we will continue our work with the same people and the same values of transparency and simplicity. The development of Pipplet will continue in the same spirit as before, simply faster and on a larger scale.
So we are very happy to open this new stage of Pipplet's life with you. On behalf of the whole team we would like to thank you once again, because without you, we wouldn't be here.
Baptiste, Matthieu and Adrien
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