Updated May 6, 2021
We sometimes receive feedback from our candidates and clients that the final results achieved on a Pipplet test were lower than they were expecting, or lower than results on other tests. We understand it can be frustrating, however, below we explain a few reasons why this can happen.
We mark our tests based on the European Framework of Reference for Languages - a document developed by the Council of Europe following several years of research about what it means to be "good" in a given language.
The framework has 6 levels, from A1 to C2. Given that C2 would generally represent the level of a person who has lived abroad for 40 years and mastered all the intricacies of a language, it’s logical to expect a student who has 4 years of classroom experience may "only" be at a B1 level. Why? Because there is still room for improvement in their mastery of the language. We believe in the principle of the framework, so we stick to it.
Additionally, the framework distinguishes between different language skills: comprehension (reading and listening) and expression (oral and written). While many tests are content with only evaluating comprehension, Pipplet also evaluates expression. Humans are generally better at comprehension than expression, so as a result, the overall test result can be lower.
Our goal is to ensure recruiters and language teachers are given a holistic view of language proficiency. For recruiting, Pipplet results are often used to
filter applications efficiently and for language centers, Pipplet is used as a way to measure and exhibit progress following a language course. For each of these reasons, it’s important that the results:
While a Pipplet grade may be lower than you or your candidate expected, you can rest assured that all dimensions of language proficiency are assessed, using an objective and consistent method. It’s not to say that a candidate is not as “good” as you, or they imagined, rather a level B1 or B2 is a much better level than most generally perceive it to be.
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