Language Assessment for Businesses in the Age of Remote Access

Pipplet • 15 avril 2020
The world has changed. The COVID-19 crisis has altered the very fundamentals of how we work. And yet, in some ways, it’s perhaps just accelerated a trend. People are being forced to work remotely, and what was once a distant ideal of the latte generation is now very much our new reality. At least for the time being. However, as we explored in our article on 5 Reasons Why Remote Work is the Future for B2B Companies, it’s a trend that could be here to stay. We explore what this means for businesses, particularly when it comes to language assessment in the hiring process.

Remote Access and Language Evaluation

One of the most significant aspects of remote working is the fact it gives businesses access to a global talent pool. Having this availability of remote workers means that it’s possible to hire the people that are best suited to your company, no matter where they’re located.

With such a depth of resources, access to new markets opens up, and new opportunities present themselves. This factor is something recognized by the Confederation of British Industry. They note that, ‘businesses need people who can communicate with customers and suppliers around the world.’

The New American Economy also recognized this increased need for multilingual candidates. In 2017, they found that the demand for bilingual workers had doubled in five years.
The need for language fluency for businesses.
Due to the rise in remote work, companies need employees with fluency in multiple languages.
Of course, some challenges arise when trying to hire across multiple languages and in different territories. One such hurdle is how to assess applicants’ language fluency accurately and effectively.

Thankfully, the trend towards remote working and advances in technology means the answer is clear. Virtual language assessments and online language tests can evaluate and identify candidates with the right credentials.

An Opportunity for Virtual Language Assessment

Whether you’re looking for overseas or local multilingual employees, the challenge has always been about how to assess them. A phone conversation isn’t revealing enough, while an in-person assessment isn’t always feasible.

Language fluency tests are one of the most efficient ways of evaluating the proficiency of candidates. They provide a standardized means of testing and comparing potential employees. With the shift towards remote working, services like Pipplet’s online language tests present a unique opportunity.

The ability to assess multiple job candidates remotely takes the pressure off businesses to determine language fluency. You can quickly evaluate oral and written language skills in a context that uses real life and work scenarios. It’s a flexible work solution that has proven benefits.
Virtual language assessments for businesses.  Online language tests and virtual language assessments go hand-in-hand with remote work.

This method of virtual language assessment saves businesses time and money. It also means they can quickly and efficiently find the right candidates. It provides a means of reviewing and comparing the strengths and weaknesses of their applicants, ensuring they make the right choice when hiring.


For the people taking the tests, it presents a convenient and relatively stress-free means of proving their credentials. They can take the assessment where and when they like, allowing them to give the best account of themselves possible.

In a world where remote working could well become the new norm, online language tests help companies find the most skilled people, no matter where they are. 

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