Pipplet launches a new offer which allows students the opportunity to take the Pipplet Fluency Exam (FLEX) !
The test is a total of 30 minutes long. You do not need to schedule your exam date or time in advance. Take the Pipplet FLEX anywhere, using any computer. Just make sure you check your microphone is working 🎤😉
Unlike traditional language proficiency tests, Pipplet FLEX uses scenario based questions requiring open answers to assess your proficiency in a language. We felt that having test takers speak and write was the best and only way to fully assess language proficiency, so we built a scenario based test platform to make it possible!
Pipplet’s language examiners assess all tests using a semi-direct assessment approach. You’ll be presented with oral or written content that’ll prompt you to respond spontaneously.
Available within 24 hours of your Pipplet FLEX completion is the Pipplet report. The Pipplet report breaks down your overall level, general skills, and specific skills according to the European CEFR standard. In addition to your strengths and weaknesses.
After completing your Pipplet FLEX, you can share your fluency score on your LinkedIn page, you can add your fluency level to your resume.
Our help desk article provides more in-depth information on how you can best prepare for the Pipplet FLEX.
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