Baptiste Schneider
Training manager
Pipplet is one of the language certification solutions Capcours uses so that their learners are able to certify their language skills for future employment opportunities and professional growth. Baptiste Schneider shares with us his reasons why he enjoys working with the Pipplet team and issuing our Pipplet FELX certifications.
Can you present your company in a few lines ?
CAPCOURS is a training organization established in 2011 based near Versailles. They offer both in-house training as well as face-to-face and distance learning courses throughout France, mainly in the fields of IT and languages.
Why are foreign languages important in your business ?
Foreign languages represent 50% of our activity as a training organization. They are particularly important for our learners in their professional and personal development.
Why were you initially interested in Pipplet ?
Pipplet's strength was that it offered easy-to-use distance tests in a wide range of languages, which was not offered in France. The clarity of the offer and of the interface was a plus that allowed us to quickly adopt this assessment/certification tool.
After a few months of use, what is the conclusion ?
The adoption by the trainees and our teams was very fast. The accuracy of the level assessment has been acclaimed by learners and stakeholders.
If you were to recommend Pipplet to your contacts, what would you say ?
Don't hesitate, there are only benefits to adopting Pipplet.
Is there anything else you would like to say about Pipplet ?
Maybe a suggestion: Offer e-learning content to help prepare for tests.
Vous souhaitez rejoindre nos centres agréés comme Capcours ?
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