Can you describe what English Booster is?
frees up and develops the communication potential of corporate talents in key situations of their professional development, in English.
Why are foreign languages important in your activity?
As our name suggests, English is an integral part of our activity :-)
Why were you interested in Pipplet initially?
I was immediately interested in the simplicity of deployment and use of Pipplet, both from the point of view of our participants and from our point of view of a training organization.
After a few months of use, what do you think about Pipplet?
I draw very positive lessons from this and, moreover, we continue to use Pipplet to offer our participants a reliable and objective assessment of their level of English, upstream and downstream of their training courses.
If you were to recommend Pipplet to your contacts, how would you describe us?
A reliable and very easy to use solution to quickly assess the level of English (or other languages) in a professional context.
Is there anything else you'd like to say about Pipplet?
I appreciate the quality of the relationships with the Pipplet team - always smiling, a lot of responsiveness and professionalism.