Why Full Cycle Recruitment Should Include Language Proficiency

Pipplet • 4 mai 2021

Today, as companies look to expand their markets across the globe, having a multilingual workforce is more important than it has ever been.

As enterprises consider the post-COVID-19 business landscape, communicating with customers and commercial partners will often include a language component. However, does your company have comprehensive language proficiency testing built into your recruiting process?

Also, has your company lost business simply through lack of language skills across your enterprise? In their report, the National Security Education Program (NSEP) Elisabeth Lord Stuart, Operations Director of the US-Algeria Business Council, made a succinct statement: “The lack of language skills among US businessmen is an enormous barrier to increasing US participation in overseas markets. "

Placing language assessments at the foundation of your company's recruitment process will enable your business to trade successfully today and into the future. Your HR function may already have a language assessment component. The question to ask is whether these systems are fit for their purpose.

Speaking to Pipplet, Rolf Bax, chief human resources officer at Resume.io, explained why language assessment within the HR process is so important to get right. “Having a multilingual workforce is essential for business development if a business plans on targeting foreign markets or domestic ESL (English as a Second Language) markets. You need multilingual people to help develop culturally competent marketing material, build relationships in foreign markets and navigate cultural differences. ”

The advantage that a multilingual workforce can bring is almost immeasurable. And ensuring a robust and comprehensive language assessment system is part of an integrated full circle recruiting process is vital.

Language ability

The talent gap has been widening for several years. The language proficiency gap is widening even faster. As business accelerates and broadens its geographical reach, language proficiency testing becomes even more critical to build into your enterprise's onboarding process.

For instance, after English, the Sino-Tibetan languages (which have nearly a billion speakers) account for 14% of the world's population. Hindi is the fifth most spoken language in the world. Is your business communicating effectively with this massive potential customer base?

The former director of global initiatives at Starbucks, Herman Uscategui, made the bold statement: "Advanced language skills provide the foundation to trusted relationships with customers, communities, and partners. With those skills, we are able to enhance and maintain our connection with current markets and develop new ones fully aware of local customer needs and requirements.”

Locating the right people with the correct language skills is a commercial imperative. The issue facing many businesses, though, is how to assess the claimed language skills of applicants.

How global trade is changing also has a language component. As trade shifts increasingly to China, for instance, language skills become a major asset. The challenge facing business leaders is to not only locate potential employees but to test their language abilities. Indeed, the Making Languages Our Business report concludes, only about a third (37%) of the businesses they contacted that need multiple language support actually assess the language skills of applicants.

The language challenge

When they think about language proficiency testing in recruiting, businesses will often focus on CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). For HR’s this metric is common, but as Romanie Thomas, the founder, and CEO of Juggle Jobs, a platform connecting businesses with high-quality professionals on a flexible basis, explains, companies need to look much further than this testing standard:

“CEFR is incredibly valid and used in business circles. However, what is missing is a competency testing of how people communicate with each other. As we become a more globalised society, a none-native English speaker for example, may have the ability to quickly comprehend how to communicate their needs to an English audience and have a proven track record of doing so, in a way that perhaps an English native hasn’t managed to do! It is this level of competency testing that is missing when assessing language proficiency.” The language proficiency testing that is implemented, must, therefore, be comprehensive enough to take these communication elements into consideration such as conversational skills.

Of course, a significant issue with language proficiency testing for HR's is that their HR's themselves may not have multiple language skills. This is where partnering with a language proficiency testing service provider can become a major advantage.

“Recruiters generally have their limitations in terms of testing people for their linguistic abilities due to their own language skills,” explained Eden Cheng, Co-founder, WeInvoice. “They can't be proficient in all languages. So, we add one more step in the recruitment process and introduce language experts (from non-recruitment roles too) to help recruiters in choosing the right candidate.”

Kordilia Foxstone, Founder of Language Academia, also points out that recruiters need the services of a professional language proficiency tester to identify candidates who may seem to have the language skills required, but in reality do not as they have simply passed a language test before making their application. “From personal experience, I can say that the only way to be confident in the language skills of a candidate is to test the person themselves. My school has a dedicated course that targets passing tests. I promise you those students can pass any test with the highest score, but they do not know the language even to talk about the weather.”

There is a clear correlation between the language skills a business has available and its ability to trade profitably. Focusing on the US, The Making Languages Our Business report concludes that about one-quarter of all respondents say their organization could not pursue or has lost business in the past three years due to a lack of foreign language skills (23%). That figure more than doubles (50%) for employers that report a foreign language skills gap within their organization.

Says Matthew Davies, author of The Trust Triangle: How to Manage Humans at Work: “The number one challenge is to first accept that recruiters are not linguists. Their analysis of the candidate’s proficiency can vary greatly.  They are in a pressured role which means they may allow someone into the process who ordinarily would not be proficient enough, just to increase the pool of candidates.”

Davies concluded: “As a former HR Director, that can waste a lot of time. The application process usually asks the applicant to judge their own proficiency and that can be wildly off the mark. But once again, if not challenged by the recruiter, that will be distrust with the process itself. Pipplet is an independent test which means bias is overcome and more expertise is brought to bear on the process.”

What is abundantly clear is that all businesses must raise their language proficiency testing to the next level. Language proficiency testing services are now available that HRs can easily integrate into their recruiting systems.

Juggle Jobs’ Romanie Thomas concludes that the world is changing. How your business communicates is critical. “It will be interesting to see how business communication and language testing evolves as we become more globalized. Translation tools could become embedded, for example, removing that immediate language barrier between people and enabling companies to genuinely hire globally. It does not remove, however, the need to assess and see competency in people, that they can comprehend needs and communicate regardless of language.”

For HRs and recruitment agencies, language proficiency testing should become an essential component of their search for candidates. The talent pool that businesses have access to isn't finite. Being able to recruit at speed and with accuracy is now vital to business success. Language is a skill that can be tested. However, your business must partner with a language proficiency testing service provider to deliver the candidates your enterprise needs today and tomorrow.

Learn more about how Pipplet can efficiently integrate comprehensive language proficiency testing into your recruitment processes.

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