Even for the most specialised of roles, it’s likely that you’ll receive an array of different applications. A brief look at CVs can quickly eliminate unsuitable candidates. However, it can be tough to narrow the field further to leave only the very best people.
A language test can identify those applicants who have the bilingual or multilingual skills that set them apart from the crowd. You can administer the language test either before or after the interview stage.
Some roles require a high level of foreign language knowledge. This standard of fluency isn’t something that a simple test score on a CV can identify. Even the most academically qualified applicants on paper can struggle when it comes to real-life situations.
By giving your candidates a language assessment that’s based on practical and work-based knowledge, you can quickly determine how fluent or multilingual they are. This makes the onboarding process much easier.
Positive work cultures are often an essential part of a successful business. Although sometimes hard to define, it can be easy to spot when someone is a good fit for a particular role or environment. When considering language ability in a multilingual work environment, it’s a factor that becomes essential.
Assessing your applicants for written and spoken language skills early on in the process lets you see which ones might be a good fit. You can manage the expectations of the candidates and find the ones that will thrive in the job and company you’re recruiting for.
It can sometimes be hard for potential employees to stand out from the pack, even with a strong resume. A standardised language assessment can be just the thing to let them shine. Not only can the individual prove their abilities, but they can do so in a way that’s directly comparable to other candidates.
Language learning is often a lifelong undertaking. As such, it can often be difficult to know exactly where your level is at, and where your strengths and weaknesses are. A thorough language assessment during the job application process can highlight where a candidate excels and where they need to improve.
Not all multilingual speakers have an academic background, which can mean that some haven’t taken the same tests or qualifications as others. By taking a standardized language exam during an application process, it can allow individuals to get a recognized certification that they can continue to use.
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