1. Supports cultural connections
Culture and language are not separated entities. It's not only easier to connect with people when you know their language, but it also strengthens your understanding of another culture, enabling your company to communicate more effectively and establish better relationships.
2. Increases cultural sensitivity
The more you are acquainted with another language or have someone on your team who is competent in a given language, the greater the development of cultural awareness and respect, and customers will notice these subtle improvements.
3. Builds client trust
Being able to speak with your customers in their native language creates a feeling of familiarity, and can provide a sense of comfort for customers. Speaking a familiar language can lead to business and market growth.
4. Creates value and Increases Morale
If you have a multilingual employee, they may be an asset for your business. Especially if they are the only employee who can speak a particular language with a client or partner. When this happens, it is just as important for companies to reward these employees because it can help improve the morale and motivation of that employee.
5. It saves your business money
If your business is international, relocation may occur. New employees hired or promoted can have an easier transition to another country, especially if they speak the language of the host nation. They are also more likely to be involved in local activities and manage administrative things, reducing key integration costs for your company.